A couple of POTS life hacks


It's no secret that living with a chronic illness is tricky.

After a year of living with POTS, I have found a few little tricks that help me to feel better. 

Here's a list of them: 

  • Get the water situation figured out. For me, this means filling up a 32-ounce water bottle, drinking the whole thing when I wake up in the morning, and drinking a total of 50 ounces by breakfast. This eliminated a lot of the dehydration problems I was experiencing. 
  • Don't hesitate to drink more electrolytes during the day than you think you might need.
  • I like to keep a big glass of water in the bathroom while I shower; this way I can sip cold water around the rather difficult task of taking a shower
  • Use meditation apps or podcasts to help manage pain, ease into sleep, or calm yourself.
  • Peppermint essential oil is great for smelling when you feel nauseous. 
  • Chewing on dried ginger also helps an upset stomach. 
  • Eat protein before bed
  • Get used to putting your feet up, sometimes straight up the wall
  • Have an "emergency bin" at places you frequently visit. I like to keep one in the car, and you might like to keep one at your friends' house or family members' houses. 
  • Listen to your body when you feel tired, the temperature feels wrong, or you crave something.
  • Rinse in cold water before getting out of the shower
  • Use compression garments 
  • Experiment and research to find the best method of exercise for you, and keep at it!
  • Carry a pack with all your essentials whenever you leave the house
  • If you feel warm, run cold water over your wrists and use a cool damp cloth on your neck and ankles
  • Check your vitamin levels to make sure that isn't causing any problems
Well, that's a handful of the tips I can offer! Let me know if there's anything I should add to the list.




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