Update on my New Years Goals
Before New Year, I posted my goals for 2022.
They were:
- Exercise daily
- Get my small business going
- Read a book each month
Pretty simple, straightforward goals. I thought I would share how I'm doing with each one.
Exercise daily:
I'm actually doing great with this one. I am getting up earlier each day and setting myself up to work out every morning. By getting up earlier, I'm setting myself up to be hydrated and ready for the day earlier. It's been a small change that I'm loving. I'm using the Nike Training Club app on my phone and planning my workouts for the week. I'm not able to do every exercise or every type of exercise, but I'm doing at least 30 minutes a day and already feeling the benefits.
Getting my small business going:
This one is going okay. I got my Etsy up, but I'm a long way from nailing down every aspect of it. I am a diligent Instagram poster and have been incorporating my Etsy products onto my page, but it's slow going and nothing is really selling. I'm going to keep working on it and hopefully, it takes off.
Read a book each month:
I thought I could be someone who reads on my Libby app, but I'm not. I have used it for reading, but that was when I was working. Now I can't seem to focus on a book on my phone, and I'm listening to this and decided to switch back to paper books. I'm mid-book right now and loving the habit I've created before bed. I think it will be one that I keep for years.
How are you doing with your New Years' resolutions?
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