Finally Getting Through It


I'm happy to report that we're both doing much better!

Whatever it was that we caught seems to be finally simmering down. We both have a lingering cough, and Kevin has been battling an asthma flare-up, but overall we are doing much better. Our house is absolutely trashed though, and we have no groceries to speak of. We have been relying on freezer goods and a soup which was graciously given to us by a friend from church. 

This tricky thing about catching a bug is that combating it and POTS at the same time can be a little bit overwhelming. I found that I needed so much more electrolytes every day and that I was very fatigued all the time, making the brain fog and ability to do anything deplete significantly. 

My goals have been pushed to the wayside for a bit--I have stayed active as I can but there was a limit to what I could do for sure. I am happy to be finally experiencing more energy every day and that this cough improves here and there. I also am glad that I will be able to get caught up on housework this week. I hate having a messy house! 

Hope you're doing well and staying healthy.




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