My New Year's Goals
Now that the Christmas season has wrapped up, I am looking forward to the New Year.
I did a post about resolutions, but I wanted to really focus on my personal goals for the new year.
Goal 1: Exercise
I am really struggling with not exercising right now. I used to be a group fitness instructor and helped get people moving all the time. At one point, I was exercising around two hours a day and had 15.7% body fat. I was in the best shape of my whole life and felt amazing!
But now I have gained weight and find exercise so much harder now that I have POTS. I have consistently taken short walks during the day and have made sure to stretch often, but I miss having muscles! It really sucks. I also would like to improve my core strength this year because that helps with so many aspects of life.
How am I going to do this? Well, I love Blogilates, Nike Training Club, and Yoga with Adriene, so I have decided to do one video or workout a day; on the days I'm really not feeling well, I plan on doing a gentle video of Adriene's or on the NTC app. On days I'm doing well, I am going to do a little bit more intense of a workout. I know that changing positions is really tough, so I'll do a standing or mat workout and be mindful of transitioning. Also, inversions are really hard if you have POTS!
Goal 2: Get Making with Meaning going!
For too long I have depended on the occasional market or the orders from friends and loved ones to make my yarn art sustain itself. This year I want to really get it going and let it support more than just the hobby; I would like to see it bring a little bit more income. With this in mind, here are the exact things I want to see happen:
- Get a website or Etsy platform in place where I can direct people
- Get shipping nailed down to a science
- Design a logo that I can put on business cards, website, etc
- Make some money!
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