December Check-in


This December is unlike any that  I can remember.

We've moved away from our families and friends, so there are no parties to attend. We are involved at a church but not a lot, so there aren't many events besides a Friday night carol-sing and Christmas Eve outside of normal services. And because we are minimalists and on a budget, we are not really out shopping. We have been remarkably un-busy. 

I am enjoying it so much. There is a lot going on in our lives in terms of health and transition, so we are enjoying the space while we process it. 

Since moving I've developed additional symptoms, some of which are debilitating. Being able to rest helps me, but I am still searching for additional relief. For now, December has meant joy and peace. A lot of peace, and I'm enjoying it immensely. 

All of my previous Decembers were insanely busy and hard to manage for myself, with work and all the other obligations thrown in. I'm loving having some time to breathe and meditate on the beauty of the season. I am hoping to keep this in mind in future Christmas seasons and to remember to give myself permission to take it slow.

How is your December going?




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