How I manage my pain


Chronic pain is a part of POTS life.

For some, it hovers over every day. For others, it pops up once in a while. For most, though, it varies day by day and can increase with flare-ups and overexertion. 

Personally, I have always dealt with some pain but have been experiencing a significant increase this last year. I notice that it is worse around my period and flair-ups. 

I know pain is different for everyone and we all manage it differently, but I wanted to share a few of the tricks I have found in case they could help someone else. Here are the things that have helped me:

1) Whenever I have pain in a specific area, I rub some Tiger Balm in the affected area. It offers me enough relief that sometimes I don't need to use anything else for pain.

2) If I injured myself by fainting, I ice the area the first couple of days and then switch to hot packs. I like using a hot water bottle with a pretty sweater that I made.

3 Yoga! I know it's so overblown, but I do yoga every day and it helps me keep my back much healthier than it would be without. 

4) Drink warm tea. I have nothing scientific about this, but I drink hot tea when I'm in pain. I think it provides comfort.

5) Make sure the clothes you are wearing are completely comfortable. On days that are particularly painful, I am usually found in sweatpants, a sweater or sweatshirt, and a soft bra. Wearing comfortable clothes minimizes additional causes of discomfort.

6) Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and getting enough rest. Lacking in either of those things could cause your pain to increase.

7) I am deficient in magnesium, so I take a magnesium supplement and take Epsom salt baths frequently. Epsom salt baths are great for relaxing, but if you can't manage a bath, I still enjoy soaking my feet in Epsom salt. Then I rub cream all over them and feel immensely relaxed.

8) Journal. I think a lot of pain has to do with our perception, at least for me. I like to journal and write things I'm grateful for and it helps to put pain into perspective.

9) I was so blessed for a period of time to be able to have massages covered by my insurance. I paid $9 for massages that I got weekly. This helped me the most.

10) Cuddling with my dog is what I do every day, but especially if there is nothing else working. Sometimes physical touch with a pet provides a lot of comfort without needing to explain or justify yourself. 

I want to add that while I do experience flare-ups, these tips and taking over-the-counter medications work for me. I do not experience pain so severe that I cannot manage it or that lasts more than a few days. If you do experience pain like this, please don't think I'm minimizing it. I know pain is different for everyone and needs different levels of care. In reality, I think my chronic pain is minimal and can't compare to that of others. So if these things don't work for you, don't hesitate to look into other solutions.

What do you do for pain? 




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