How to Travel with POTS


Traveling can be tough, even if you don't have POTS.

I have always loved traveling and enjoyed seeing new things, but I have a hard time with motion sickness when it comes to flying. The whole experience of flying is pretty rough for me, honestly.

This summer we went on a trip to Texas. It was so much fun! But I found that air travel was incredibly difficult with POTS. Here are the things I tried:

• Eating a meal beforehand


• Sea bands

• Eating snacks

• Chewing gum

• Drinking water, orange juice, AND electrolytes

Between all of this, I actually did okay. I was near fainting when we were about to land, but I made it through. I think next time I would add the following;

• Compression socks

• Pumping my legs every 15 minutes or so

• Trying to close my eyes more instead of watching a movie or crocheting

I love to travel and will continue to do it as long as I possibly can. I would love any tips you have for traveling! 




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